An Event that's Happened to me Before.

An Event that's Happened to me Before.
You don't Want to Know What It Is.

My Brain.

My Brain.
This is why I can Blog so much, Each and Every Day.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.
My Favorite Instrument.

My Nerf Army Logo.

My Nerf Army Logo.
This is a Good One.

What's On This Blog?

This blog is where I list all of my ideas, and after my 132nd, I knew I had to get a blog for them. Here's everything, like how to shoot rubber bands, or make a bass guitar with three bucks, everything's going to be on here, I just have to post it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Todays Post, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I ran out of ideas today, the post tommorrow will be mine. Srry dudes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is sad. And Spring Shoes.

Today, I was in schol, it was a free write, and I was VERY bored, so I wrote what was on my mind. Almost a page of programming, when karen, a kid in my class commented that it was sad. I can't say that it isn't, but it's wqhat I do for a living, and a life. I've realized that if I waste my life just sitting here in front of a computer, that I'll eventually become better at it =) while at the same time losing all social skills, and my physical skills, but they'll come back some time (hopefully). So todays idea is one based around getting off of you computer (read this post though, its learning, not wasting life force.
This idea is the spring shoes. You simply get large springs and put them to the bottom of your shoes, or just stop being cheap and go out and buy some moonshoes. It will hinder you walking and running skills, but you can hop instead. You should get springs that can hold eight equal to your own weight, and also, make sure that they're on safely. NOTE: This is the equivalent of walking on a trampoline, with how it hinders you walking and running.

Monday, January 11, 2010

What never to do.

I've found that if you go outside to a snowbank and build a 3foot deep narrow hole, then make it look like ground (as a trap of course), that you should know, ALWAYS, where it is. I went out, and made one, then got stuck in it and my friends, Justyn had to drag me out. Then I fell in another one of my friend's traps, Alyson makes them nice and wide though (thank god) so that I can get out of them. Now, for the real article:
Last night, I spent a little over an hour making tracks (songs) on my kora, marimba, thumb piano and djembes because of how I love the uniqueness of african instruments, and I realized, why not make an instrument for tommorrow's (Now today's) blog post, so I got out my old cardboard turntable. I can't actually get pictures of it, but I can explain to you how it works. It doesn't actually sound like a real turntable, but it works by the needles scratching the disc(s). You would follow this article on here that I made (it's easier to do it this way):
P.S I found a picture of my brain, here it is:
Bye, I don't know what to do for the next post either.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Make a Rubber Band Crossbow.

Rubber band crossbows, one of the funnest (on purpose), cheapest, potentialy dangerous weapons known to man-kind. they are one of the easiest to make too. they are also a base for rubber band guns. but to make one, follow these steps.
1. get about 10 pencils and 5 rolls of tape (when making longer, a roll of tape per 2 pencils).
2. put all of the pencils in a line, then tape solid links. each one should be intersecting about an inch into each-other.
3.tape up all of the rest. with duct tape and make sure that there isn't one spot left, yet make sure that the eraser and about an inch of pencil is left up at the tip.
4. get a knife, preferably a steak knife and slice through the eraser, all the way through the metal until theres about a centimeter or a half centimeter left of uncut metal.
5. to make ammo, you can use normal rubber bands or you can tie some rubber bands together to launch (only thinner rubber bands will be able to fit in the slit. Bigger ones will still work though)
6. to launch slide the rubber band into the slit (cut, slice mark, scar, whatever you want to call it), aim, then release.
7. if they don't launch after 5 tries, check for anything clogging the metal part, and if not get the steak knife and make the slit a little wider .
8. try smoothing down the metal, its sharp and can cut you, someone else, the rubber band and a multitude of other things.
You can also make a clip for it to make it repeating, by getting a small thin box with a platform with springs under it, and then you load the ammo.
NOTE: You can also launch things out of the rubber bands like pens, or pebbles.

The Rubber Band Bass.

You might call it a hunk of crap, yet some might call it a revolutionary invention, or even a hunk or revolutionary crap, but whatever you call it, it's still awesome. It sounds like a real bass, it has an electric version, can be tuned, and can all be made at home. Follow these directions: (copy and paste)
and here's the video of the electric one: (skip to 1:56 for the playing of it)

Remember, that's the electric one, and on bamboo. The guide explains how to make an acoustic one. Here's an acoustic one (It was my first one, its the "Stinger B.C" model, with a giant soundboard, four strings and an oversized bridge.:

Bye, Next post is on, uhhhhh, I'll think of something.

What this blog is about and why I made it.

One day I got my 132nd idea, and I needed a place to put them (ALL), so I tried typing them, and my computer crashed. I tried writing them, then tey got recycled, and now, I'm trying blogging them. I'll post up mostly my ideas and a few other things, and you may also be wondering where on earth did I get the name "The Thinkererer"? I wanted the thinker, then the thinkerer, then all that was left was the thinkererer (the thinkerererer is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to long). My name is Stinger, and I'm the blog dude, programmer, and the thinkererer. I love computers and have wasted most of my life in front of one. My knowledge is based on making websites, but skip that boring crap, time for my first idea . . . on the next post.