An Event that's Happened to me Before.

An Event that's Happened to me Before.
You don't Want to Know What It Is.

My Brain.

My Brain.
This is why I can Blog so much, Each and Every Day.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.
My Favorite Instrument.

My Nerf Army Logo.

My Nerf Army Logo.
This is a Good One.

What's On This Blog?

This blog is where I list all of my ideas, and after my 132nd, I knew I had to get a blog for them. Here's everything, like how to shoot rubber bands, or make a bass guitar with three bucks, everything's going to be on here, I just have to post it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Rubber Band Bass.

You might call it a hunk of crap, yet some might call it a revolutionary invention, or even a hunk or revolutionary crap, but whatever you call it, it's still awesome. It sounds like a real bass, it has an electric version, can be tuned, and can all be made at home. Follow these directions: (copy and paste)
and here's the video of the electric one: (skip to 1:56 for the playing of it)

Remember, that's the electric one, and on bamboo. The guide explains how to make an acoustic one. Here's an acoustic one (It was my first one, its the "Stinger B.C" model, with a giant soundboard, four strings and an oversized bridge.:

Bye, Next post is on, uhhhhh, I'll think of something.

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