An Event that's Happened to me Before.

An Event that's Happened to me Before.
You don't Want to Know What It Is.

My Brain.

My Brain.
This is why I can Blog so much, Each and Every Day.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.
My Favorite Instrument.

My Nerf Army Logo.

My Nerf Army Logo.
This is a Good One.

What's On This Blog?

This blog is where I list all of my ideas, and after my 132nd, I knew I had to get a blog for them. Here's everything, like how to shoot rubber bands, or make a bass guitar with three bucks, everything's going to be on here, I just have to post it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is sad. And Spring Shoes.

Today, I was in schol, it was a free write, and I was VERY bored, so I wrote what was on my mind. Almost a page of programming, when karen, a kid in my class commented that it was sad. I can't say that it isn't, but it's wqhat I do for a living, and a life. I've realized that if I waste my life just sitting here in front of a computer, that I'll eventually become better at it =) while at the same time losing all social skills, and my physical skills, but they'll come back some time (hopefully). So todays idea is one based around getting off of you computer (read this post though, its learning, not wasting life force.
This idea is the spring shoes. You simply get large springs and put them to the bottom of your shoes, or just stop being cheap and go out and buy some moonshoes. It will hinder you walking and running skills, but you can hop instead. You should get springs that can hold eight equal to your own weight, and also, make sure that they're on safely. NOTE: This is the equivalent of walking on a trampoline, with how it hinders you walking and running.

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