An Event that's Happened to me Before.

An Event that's Happened to me Before.
You don't Want to Know What It Is.

My Brain.

My Brain.
This is why I can Blog so much, Each and Every Day.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.

The Rubber Band Bass, Stinger B.C Model.
My Favorite Instrument.

My Nerf Army Logo.

My Nerf Army Logo.
This is a Good One.

What's On This Blog?

This blog is where I list all of my ideas, and after my 132nd, I knew I had to get a blog for them. Here's everything, like how to shoot rubber bands, or make a bass guitar with three bucks, everything's going to be on here, I just have to post it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What this blog is about and why I made it.

One day I got my 132nd idea, and I needed a place to put them (ALL), so I tried typing them, and my computer crashed. I tried writing them, then tey got recycled, and now, I'm trying blogging them. I'll post up mostly my ideas and a few other things, and you may also be wondering where on earth did I get the name "The Thinkererer"? I wanted the thinker, then the thinkerer, then all that was left was the thinkererer (the thinkerererer is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to long). My name is Stinger, and I'm the blog dude, programmer, and the thinkererer. I love computers and have wasted most of my life in front of one. My knowledge is based on making websites, but skip that boring crap, time for my first idea . . . on the next post.

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